Welcome to the BMVC 2020 Virtual Conference!
This pages provides an overview of how participants can engage with BMVC 2020. As you already know, this year we have gone fully virtual. In doing so, we have strived to make the conference accessible asynchronously, but also tried to keep the interactive parts that are such an important feature of physical meetings.
Each day we will have two poster sessions, two oral sessions, and one keynote. The keynotes and orals talks will be streamed from our conference website (pre-recorded talks with live Q&A). You will be able to write questions on the #livestream
channel for the presenters that will be read out by the session chairs and answered live on the video stream. Each day the poster session will be repeated in the morning and in the afternoon (UK time). This is to accommodate participants joining from different time zones.
The feedback from past virtual conferences is that physical poster sessions are hard to replicate online. Instead of having poster presenters sit on an empty video call for two hours, we have decided to have shorter poster sessions that allow for both text and video interaction. We also strongly encourage authors to be present for both of their poster sessions each day, and also to engage with the other authors during this time. Please see the guide for poster presenters and the poster sessions in general below.
While the paper presentations and conference live stream (i.e. oral and keynote Q&As) will be available without requiring login information. To engage with any of the interactive parts of BMVC 2020 (e.g. asking questions in the live sessions or engaging with poster presenters) you will need your registration to access this (see separate email for your RocketChat login information).
Please note that while BMVC 2020 is committed to providing an atmosphere that encourages the free expression and exchange of ideas, our aim is that all participants will enjoy a welcoming environment free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Any violations should be reported to the conference chairs. You can find our full code of conduct here.
The updated conference site https://www.bmvc2020-conference.com/ contains:
The full schedule for each day.
Along with the oral and poster papers and their video presentations.
Please keep an eye on the
channel on the rocket chat for new information during the conference. -
General discussions can be held on the
channel during breaks in the conference schedule.
We have a great selection of papers and talks this year, and we look forward to seeing you online to discuss them!
Best regards,
BMVC 2020 Programme Chairs
Rocket Chat Overview
In order to partake in the live discussion below you need to pay to register and use the login details emailed to you. For registration information, please consult the registration page.
Login to the rocket chat discussions using the Auth0 credentials provided in the separate email to your registration email address.

Rocket chat can be accessed via the embedded discussions on the paper pages, the discussion tab in the conference site or directly through the chat server in a browser or using the free rocket chat apps (e.g. for mobile devices) using the server address https://chat.bmvc2020-conference.com
The embedded discussions on the poster pages and the livestream are linked to a single channel. The more general interface allows navigation between multiple channels that you have joined via the rocket chat interface:

For further details about rocket chat, please see the [rocket chat user guide](https://docs.rocket.chat/guides/user-guides).
Rocket Chat Guide for Poster Presenters
Please watch the following tutorial video for our recommendations for poster presenters during the poster sessions and examples of how to use the video call features for attending a poster session.
Thank you for watching and we hope you have a great time at the BMVC virtual conference!